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ylq ( gelöscht )

23.05.2019 04:03
The weather is sinis Antworten

The weather is sinister, there is no light, only the thick fog, covering the way I am going. In such an environment, I am not only standing but also worried, standing at the crossroads, in the direction of no direction, what should I choose to recall 15 years ago, basically similar to today's weather. I also stood at the crossroads, because I did not think about it, and rushed to choose to go east. As a result, I was blocked by a mountain to follow my way. I have no choice but to back off, but this feeling of retreat - so uncomfortable, so chilling. Those friends and relatives who once advised me not to choose my own life at the crossroads are no longer here. Because the fog has receded, the weather has cleared, and the sun is coming out Carton Of Cigarettes. Not only can they see the road ahead, but they can also see the road in the distance. Road signs, the roads are clear. I once again returned to the original point, and I felt a little more dignified in my heart. I silently chose a clear road and walked slowly. Because I am afraid to come again, the road to life is only once, I can not repeat the choice. On this road, I keep walking and walking constantly. I am imagining that there will be no similar situation on this road. At the same time, I also warned myself that I must seriously choose the next intersection. Today, I did meet the crossroads again. At this time, I am over thirty years old. Confucius said: "I have five ambitions to learn, thirty are standing, forty is not confusing, fifty knows destiny, sixty is pleasing, seventy is from the heart, not over the moment." I have lived to learn When I am in the age of standing, I have to choose again. However, I have a family, have children; I have become a husband, I have become a father; I have wealth, I have status; I have become a rich man and I have become a rich man Newport 100S. Now let me choose to go all the way and give up the other three roads. How can I choose, I really can't know if I am like Frost: "There are two roads in the yellow woods. Unfortunately, I can't get involved at the same time. I stood there for a long time. I looked at the road. Go, until it disappears in the depths of the jungle. It is deserted, very quiet, more attractive and more beautiful, but on these two paths, it rarely leaves the footprints of the travellers, even though the leaves are covered in the morning, Both roads are not contaminated by footprints. Oh, leave a road and see you again! But I know that the path is endless, I am afraid I can hardly return. Many teenagers are somewhere, I will sigh and review the past. There are two roads in the woods Newport Cigarettes Coupons, and I chose a lesser one, which has determined the path of my life. "Perhaps I will become Frost, but I will always be unable to become Frost." I can't see the crossroads, the only thing I can do is slowly walk forward. But which one should I choose to walk, it is my biggest problem. Suddenly, a beam of light appears in the fog. This light is like the star in the night Cheap Cigarettes, guiding me in the direction of progress. I made up my mind: "Go along the road with lights." However, when I packed my bags and prepared to set foot, I stopped. Frost still reminded me: "The yellow woods are divided into two roads. Unfortunately, I can't get involved at the same time. I choose a wild grass, a very quiet road, and I decided my life." I instantly felt that I had my own thoughts. Some of my life's direction of the decision I made 15 years ago has never been missed. Now, I have to get rid of the things that bind me and get out of my own path. I put down my baggage and walked lightly towards the unlit light.

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